Alien intelligence should be a factor here. This simplification is a bit cheaty, but most of the time the ai won't benefit much from this information anyways. If the alien squad carries a mind probe, I think it would be ok for ai to know the xcom stats without having the complication of coding in explicit mind probe usage.
Worse, he can be targeted even behind a thin wall so long as the wall is in the same tile as he is. Camo armor or even invis armor doesn't help. Even if he pops out the other side of the hill, the ai snipers can still target him if line of fire available or if they can throw a grenade at his tile. For instance, even one shot killing a spotter from behind will make the shooting unit visible to at least the AI sniper units for several turns (depends on ruleset) It doesn't matter if the shooter hides in a cave under a hill for a turn or two. As for cheating AI, I find the whole spotter sniper mechanic in OXCE more 'cheaty' than the ai knowing xcom units' stats or their equipment stats.